Download 3000 Royalty Free Sound Effects Pack


Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series Vol 1-5 represents the first time that Sony Pictures Entertainment has opened its vaults to make some of its massive archive of audio material available to producers everywhere. This collection, now on a DVD, is packed with 1,200 royalty free sound effects: from roller coasters, room tones.

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Royalty Free Sound Effects Mp3

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This is Timothy McHugh here from Sonniss. I am not sure if any of you remember me, but last year I dropped 16GB of free sound effects for you all in celebration of GDC, and the year before that I gave away 10gb of sound effects. You can view the original threads and Well my fellow redditors, it’s that time of year again and I need your help. I have 20GB+ here for you all this year. Everything is royalty-free, commercially-usable and no attribution is required.

It's the biggest library we have released so far and you can use them in your games however you please! Visit the website: View the license: OFFICIAL TORRENT: Once you have downloaded the files, please help by sharing, seeding or uploading them to mirrors. Slanted And Enchanted Luxe And Reduxe Rar File. Thank you in advance. If you have any questions or concerns please leave them in the comments section below. I will be over in the reddit gamedev irc channel throughout the day. PLEASE NOTE: The Torrent is pretty slow right now, I could do with some people downloading the files via the direct links and populating the folder structure if possible. Thanks in advance.

Let's get this thing going!

Hey guys, hope you are all well. This is Mikehl here from Sonniss. Just thought I would drop by and post this compilation of all the free sound effects we have given away over the past 2 years. Everything is royalty free, commercially usable and no attribution is required. Hopefully you can put them to some good use. You can find more information here ->Enjoy.

Direct Links Some extras. Official Torrents Mirrors If you have any problems with your downloads just drop me a message. I am always here and happy to help. My email address is All of these bundles were initially released for GDC and the consecutive months thereafter, however they are perfectly suitable for everyone working in the film & media industry.

The download packages contain the License information, but, in short, it's all free to use, no accreditation required. These downloads are a big sampler pack--looks like it's a selection of a few SFX from each of Sonniss's full library collections. Haven't had nearly enough time to listen to them all, but everything I have checked out so far has been high-quality stuff. Fantastic of Sonniss to do this giveaway! A word of advice to others.

Some of these files have very long names. Don't bury things too deep in the file structure--I've actually gotten error messages that I am exceeding the maximum character length for file structures! This goofs my organization scheme for now.

I didn't have any problems with the file path, but I did have an issue trying to extract a bunch of the directories from - I'd simply copied the entire contents to my FX folder and like ten or twelve folders simply refused to copy properly. They'd report success, but then the filesize would show as 0 bytes in Explorer and the file wouldn't play. When I extracted the offending directories with 7-zip, they worked fine. Anyway, thanks again for this; it's really hard to find good sci-fi FX that don't sound like goofy space serials from the 30s. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but, y'know. - the licensing file says that it's forbidden to 'modify the files in order to violate the licensing agreement'. If I want to remix them in order to make new FX for use in my movies (but obviously not sell or redistribute) this is ok, yes?

Thanks for the great comments guys, it's genuinely appreciated. We only source the best material at Sonniss. Hopefully you can put to them some good use. The first pack we created last year had a few mistakes. Learned many lessons and had to spawn 4 new servers this year to keep up with demand. It has been an interesting journey so far.

There is a license file in every pack, however: (this is the main license and it does allow modification, changes, and everything else you need without request). It is what it is, - No catches, no gimmicks, just high quality source material that you can use and distribute freely, personally or commercially. It's pretty much a sample pack of half of the libraries on Sonniss. If you like what you hear, please consider purchasing their corresponding collection.

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